Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hitachi Seaside Park
May 2, 2012 Weather wasn't clear,
It was humid, A gloomy day. I went to the near by city to visit this big and beautiful
park called "Hitachi Sea-side Park" (ひたち海浜公園). The park is one of the attraction of mid Ibaraki
area, A floral heaven as they say. It draws number of visitors round the year as there is something to offer all the season. There are many good places and things to see inside the park. One such place
that fascinated me was Miharashino-oka(みはらしの丘). The park
as a whole is so well-managed and clean. Undoubtedly one of the best parks I
have ever visited. With no further humdrum words, I shall let the pictures speak!
The sea-side train with two rabbits on the front(isn't it unique and interesting?). Since the park covered a large area it looked unwise to visit spots by walking. rather paid some extra charge and enjoyed the unlimited train ride.
This is the place that i mentioned earlier Miharashino-oka. The seasonal flower nemophilia was planted all over the hillock which literally looked like a blue carpet. The very first sight of this place was breathtaking. This picture shows only one side of the area. I went up to the green hill and feasted my eyes on the views of the port, the whole park and the pacific!
Tulip garden inside the park! Another attractive place to witness the art&beauty of floriculture!
Right after seeing the tulip garden, It started to pour down. I took shelter inside a glass house for sometime. But it was already time to catch a bus back to the station. If time favors I would certainly love to visit the park again and again with much vigor!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
छोटो कविता भनुँकी गीत ①
विरानो लाग्यो यो संसार्,सुन्यता अंगाल्न सकिन
क्षणिक लाग्यो यो पल्,विश्वास दिलाउन सकिन
त्यसैले टाढा जाँदैछु नितान्त टाढा
बिर्सिदिनु पराया सम्झी जसरि म बिर्सिएर जाँदैछु
बिर्सिएर पनि घाउ बल्झिए, सहनु
जसरि म बल्झाउने यादहरुलाई दबाएर जाँदैछु
विलाउनदिनु ति अतितहरुलाई त्यही आँखामा
जसरि म रसाइरहने आँखामा पानी छम्किदैछु
त्यही फुली त्यही ओइलिनदिनु ति सपनारुपी फुलहरुलाई
जसरि म टुङिदै जादैछु,,,,
दु:ख लाग्यो साथ निभाउँदा, निरन्तरता दिन सकिन
हाँसो लाग्यो भाग्यको खेल देख्दा,सफलताको फुलमा काँडा निम्त्याउन सकिन
त्यसैले जिन्दगी देखी टाढा भाग्दैछु
अत्यन्त टाढा,,,,,,विवस टाढा
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Einstein says,,,
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photo source: google images |
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” ― Albert Einstein
i think it is so damn true. education is not merely the acquisition of knowledge. it is much more than just the theories,formulas and definitions that we learn in school. education is something that makes us capable of living our lives in a civilized manner. so that when we are let out in the society after graduation, we ought to be well-disciplined, think and behave rationally. i think that`s what is least expected of so-called educated being. a noble spirit, a human being with civic senses, is my idea of an educated person. and i believe Sir Einstein was trying to imply the same in his quote. education is not just the possession of degree or certificate. it is the qualities like perseverance, patience, confidence, self-reliance and maturity that builds along in an individual during the years of schooling. and that is what matters at the end of the day, how well an individual has grown or evolved as a human being after all those years. because we would never be able to remember all that we learned or memorized. but surely, what remains are the traits and personalities that we have gained and brought along with us. and that is the true essence of EDUCATION!
lastly, life is an endless process of learning, or say education. there is so much to learn from each and everything around us. each realization, each experience is another step towards education. this process just continues, from cradle to the grave, and who knows, maybe, even after we kick the bucket?
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
reminiscence of my trip to mt.fuji 「富士山旅の回想」
Its almost a year since I climbed mount Fuji for the first time during august of last year(2011). It was one hell of a trip, a lifetime experience. I could see host of shiny-happy people from all over Japan and even foreigners (like me) along the trail. I was accompanied by a friend from Hongkong. since he was quite uncomfortable with Japanese language I really had great time conversing with him in english after a long gap.
Though the climb was tough at times and places, all in all we had a jolly time together. And fortunately even the weather favored us. We started climbing from the 5th station at around 7:30pm. It was cool and serene moonlit night. We climbed enjoying the night view of the cities below. It all went well for some hours but from the 8th station chilly wind started blowing. The air became thinner as we climbed and the temperature was also dipping. So we had to control our pace and take frequent breaks. We reached the summit at around 3am in the morning. It was severe cold and insanely crowded up there. Everybody was desperately waiting for the sunrise. Finally the sun showed up and I can never forget that moment in my life. I felt so warm and fresh to be there at the highest peak of japan. well, I come from a Himalayan country and I have hiked to places way higher than mt. Fuji. but being there on the top of mt. Fuji and witnessing the sunrise was something truly special. We have read and known Japan as [the land of rising sun] I felt proud that I was one among those people who welcomed the sun early on that particular day. It was like meeting the new ME in that very moment. The landscapes, scenery of cities around, and the shape of the entire peak were breathtaking. We were literally above the blanket of clouds . It really felt like heaven for many reasons. My spirit was so high that I was humming songs like `here comes the sun`by Beatles and `sunrise`by Norah Jones all the time.
Here I attach some pictures taken from the summit,
The above pictures were shot by myself. Used some image editor to adjust the brightness and size.
I am intending to climb again during the first week of august. I hope circumstances favor me this year as well.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
drinking mind!
well, i love drinking. i drink occasionally with my friends on the weekends or alone at my place sometimes. but i don`t drink much when i am alone, hardly a peg of hard drink or a can of beer to refresh my mood.
currently i am in japan and i love this japanese nama beer(draft beer) so much that i just could go on and on. i find myself enchanted and mysterious after the first gulp. and i love that feeling. but drinking is not my habit, rather its just an interest.
currently i am in japan and i love this japanese nama beer(draft beer) so much that i just could go on and on. i find myself enchanted and mysterious after the first gulp. and i love that feeling. but drinking is not my habit, rather its just an interest.
i found some drinking thoughts or quotes on the internet and collected few interesting ones (the ones i liked).here, i share with you all.........
quotes source:http://stlramstailgate.tripod.com/id16.html
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photo by dave gurung(tridev) |
A drunk was in front of a judge. The judge says "You've been brought here for drinking." The drunk says "Okay, let's get started." Henny Youngman
I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good behavior. Frida Kahlo
Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time. Catherine Zandonella
Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth. George Burns
All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer. Homer Simpson
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." Jack Handy
"C'mon, lets go drink 'til we can't feel feelings anymore." Peter Griffin
Spilling your beer is the worst form of alcohol abuse -- Author unknown
Monday, June 25, 2012
今年の4月に日立市に引っ越して来ました。まだ色々と大変ですが、慣れようとしています。日立市は海,山と森もあって自然に満ちた所です。東にキレイな海の眺め、西には緑豊かな丘陵地帯があって, 実に素晴らしいです。
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
チキン、チンゲン菜と赤インゲン豆のグレービー |
豚肉、菜っ葉、茄子と ひよこ豆のフライ |
ある日の夜ご飯(二人分) |
Monday, June 18, 2012
rare scene in japan
i got this picture from a friend. he was like "lol! this is the first time i ever saw people pushing a car in japan...ha ha". well, it is a police patrol car and it is supposed to be in proper condition. myself personally, i neither find it funny nor strange. but in some way it is something that you hardly see in japan. a car malfunctioning and people giving a push from behind. it really is a rare scene!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
英語:to kill two birds with one stone.
solve two problems with one action.
solve two problems with one action.
ロシア語:убить одним выстрелом двух зайцев
ポルトガル語:matar dois pássaros com uma cajadada só
ネパール語:एक तिरले दुइ सिकार ।
スペイン語:matar dos pájaros de un tiro
ヘブライ語:לתפוס שתי ציפורים במכה אחת
フランス語:Faire d'une pierre deux coups
フィンランド語:tappaa kaksi kärpästä yhdellä iskulla
イタリア語:prendere due piccioni con una fava
"一度に一つずつやって事を行なえ、あたかも自分の生死がそれにかかっているような気持ちで”― ユージェニー・グレース
― ジョセフ・ルー
― 作者不詳
"やってやれないことはない、やらずにできるわけがない”― 平櫛田中
― 伊坂幸太郎
"人は、どう死ぬか、いつ死ぬかを選択できない。どう生きるかこれだけは決められる。”― ジョーン・バエズ
Friday, May 25, 2012
my Eco Bag!
my Eco Bag |
I see university professors and students opting for Eco bags these days. Well, talking about my research professor, I have never seen him using elevators, instead he walks up the 5 storied building. And of course, he has an Eco bag as well. After I came to this eastern city of Japan called Hitachi I have become more conscious about environment and the measures we people should take to save it. Most of the super markets here don't provide you with plastics bags. a customer has to pay for every piece of bag. while i was in Narita, it was different, I never really thought about an Eco bag because I would get plastic bags for free. After I moved to this city, I went to a local electric appliances hub to buy myself a wireless data card for internet connection. They gave me this two green Eco bags for free along with the gadget. At first I had no idea about it. But later it really came handy while shopping in vegetable markets. Now I don't have to pay extra for the plastic bags and also i feel good that I am carrying an environmental friendly bag and that I am contributing to save our environment in some way.
Friday, May 18, 2012
In introspect
I wrote this back in 2008. I was just, don't know.....but, I wasn't nuts, just spontaneous flow of thoughts, I guess. Whoever reads this would find it silly and meaningless bulk of text. Nevertheless, I felt like posting it.
Of late, I have been thinking, thinking so
much that at times I fear going real nuts and never come back to normal. I get haunted by all these “Wh” questions about family, future, friends, career, country, environment, nature and all the issues around, over and below us. I fight the
feelings with all my might though.
I always used to and yet get this feeling
that I be busy, always be on the move, remain updated, fresh, get
involve in activities, strict about time, figure out
Perhaps my mental paradigms were never in
order. I have been like a drifted wood, I don’t have control over myself, I am
impulsive, I always act on intuitions. Many times I feel as if I haven’t lived
life my way, but will I ever be able to explain this “my way”…ever in my life? I ask what am I doing here? I question everything I am, everything I do, I
look at myself and wonder who is looking at who?.. Who
am ‘I’? Am I just this body that roams around meeting people, doing things, or
Is there something else that makes me more than this body? Who is this 'me/I' I
keep referring to? Am I pointing to this body I see myself in, If so then who
is the person asking this question?
I know the filter of mind will stop
functioning if I go this way. I feel vulnerable to myself. I am supersaturated, I need a little cure.
Might be because I’m absolutely free, I am
out of work, my brain is under massive attack. I am alone and I
have nothing to do. From my latest experience what I
have realized is that it is a curse to be idle, not doing anything.
I think I’ll have to find myself something
to distract my mind, or else i will go real nuts. who will do if not me?
Well, one nice person from NZ, actually a
friend had said “words hold no meaning, they are just a temporary display of
emotion”….. They are as true as you want them to be, they have no meaning
unless you give them some. Why write when you yourself don't truly relate to
the very words that are coming out. I’ll stop before I ramble and it all becomes lame.
Monday, May 14, 2012
my first speech in Japanese language! 僕が書いた初の日本語でのスピーチ!
Goasikunda Hiking, it was a year back in February, i was selected to represent my class in the speech competition. i prepared this speech in a short period of 3 days. it was fun and cumbersome at the same time. i won the second prize!! certificate and shopping voucher of 3000 japanese yen!! it was a matter of pride above all!!
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